Hypertext Help with LaTeX

Document Styles

Valid LaTeX document styles include:

They are selected with the following command:


The options for the different styles are:

  1. article: 11pt, 12pt, twoside, twocolumn, draft, fleqn, leqno, acm
  2. report: 11pt, 12pt, twoside, twocolumn, draft, fleqn, leqno, acm
  3. letter: 11pt, 12pt, fleqn, leqno, acm
  4. book: 11pt, 12pt, twoside, twocolumn, draft, fleqn, leqno

If you specify more than one option, they must be separated by a comma.

Related topics:

See also starting and ending
The \documentstyle command has been changed in LaTeX2e

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Revised 7 Jul 1995.