The attached election is defined with three counter groups, polling,
absentee and early voting, each with a respective vote center category (ie.
there is no multi-counter group vote center category).
In the following excerpt from the Vote
Center Status Report, each vote center is listed with the correct vote center
category. Early voting centers should be listed with 'early voting' in the
counter group 1 column and absentee vote centers should also be listed with
'absentee' in the counter group 1 column. In fact, early voting centers
are not listed with any counter group and absentee vote centers with 'absentee'
under counter group 2.

Ken, the Report Precinct and Vote
Center Status reports contain counter group 1 and 2 columns. Do
these refer to the first two counter groups defined in an
election? If not, what counter groups do they refer to? The
relationship between the counter groups 1 and 2 and those defined in the
Counter Group Editor is not as clear as between voter groups 1 and 2 and
voter groups defined under the Parties and Absentee/NonAbsentee tabs in
the Voter Group Editor.
excellent question for the support list. The 1.94 Accu-Vote
has one or two counter groups. AFAIK only Anoka (and I guess
Washington now) uses the second counter group (absentee). These
reports show the counter groups of the vote center. You can set up two
counter groups for a vote center by putting both counter groups in
the same vote center category in the counter group
counter group dialog is less that intuitive -- I agree. Hopefully it
will improve one day. Most people just learn how to set up their
counter groups a certain way and stick with it. That is pretty
easy to do since Minnisota is the only
2.0 will allow more than two counter groups in a vote center. These
reports and the counter group editor will need to be modified when that