Well you asked for it! -
If there are any other ideas, please
feel free to comment. I've already got dibs on the "design a new
optical scan system" idea. So come up with something else more
creative. Would it be practical to come up with something like a ballot
shoe similar to the dealer's shoe used in gaming establishments? Surely
with the thousands of ballots used in L&A testing, let alone absentee &
recounts, a simple device that could be operated with one of those "sticky
fingers" and a little rubber as a separator could be extremely
useful. Hand feeding even three or four hundred ballots is a real
chore. Steve Ricke mentioned the old style hand cranked duplicating
machines. Imagine putting a stack of ballots in one of those and cranking
them through.
Okay - fire the rocks!
Greg Forsythe Global Election Systems, Inc 24 Hirondelle Place, Ontario M3A 1V8 Phone (416) 446-1383 Fax (416) 446-1425 gfglobal@earthlink.net www.gesn.com |