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RE: Pollbook 3.13.4 with Multiple EV centers at Centralized Accumulation Site

If you start the poll book application with a different disk than what was loaded previously, it will ask you if you wish to overwrite.  This way you do not have to keep track of the folders.  But you must restart the Poll Book application each time you wish to change, and also have the disk with the Vote Center you want inserted in the computer.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-support@gesn.com [mailto:owner-support@gesn.com]On Behalf Of Steve Knecht
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 1:00 AM
To: support@gesn.com
Subject: Pollbook 3.13.4 with Multiple EV centers at Centralized Accumulation Site

If you have a number of Early Voting Centers setup in GEMS, each with a number of diskettes to load, the Pollbook application is Vote Center dependent, making it necessary to create multiple Pollbook folders - renaming them as you move from the LOAD/SEND function in one vote center to another. 
This is not a major problem, but requires understanding of folder heirarchy and windows functions-which most GEMS users have.  This is an observation only.  We are not asking for any change, but some reflection on this seems appropriate (Tab is reflecting).  I'm just documenting this issue.