----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 10:27
Subject: RE: Ballot provided for
Greg, please use
the <--- button when embedding new test into a mail. I didn't notice
the different colors at first.
I understand what
you are talking about now. The fixed rows applies to the
race, not the ballot. Same as the number of rows or
cols. Let Nel know if the docs are not clear on this
This should be clear in
the documentation - after all, the Fixed option would not appear in Race
Default Settings in Race Options as well as the Race Editor, if it were not
a race-specific construct.
You might check
out my original
rcr complete message on the topic. GEMS still lays out races going
down each column and then across. You (might) have to place the races
manually. The candidates will be in the right place within the race
But in the usual
case, it should just lay out correctly automatically anyway, since only one
race will fit in each column. I am guessing that part of the problem
here is that you can't endorse write-in candidates right now. Lay out
your ballot again with the write-in candidate of each race as a "normal"
candidate called "write-in" endorsed by the write-in votergroup. It
should lay out correctly, but of course the candiate won't actually behave
like a write-in (no line, etc). If we go forward with New York, then
I'll get you a GEMS that can do this for real.
This whole thread
should have been conducted on the support list. My bad for
Forgot the attachment
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: Ballot provided for certification
Superintendent of Highways first
candidate is Democratic, second candidate is Freedom. Freedom
candidate does not drop into the correct row.
Tried as many variations
as I could think of. Re-numbered race, re-keyed candidate,
etc. Bloody thing won't budge. Tried test database and
dropped in correctly.
It appears that where there is room for a
race to slide under another race, it will do so. It will not
lock up in the correct
Then start
with the test database, and modify it. If it breaks along the way,
note what breaks it and get back to me.
Although I
only have a single ballot in the database, when I touch the + beside
the ballot style in the tree view, it changes to - as it
should. Some times it will reset most most of the time it will
not. I have to highlight ballot style in the tree view to
double click in the list view to get the ballot out. My system
or bug. Not a big deal, but annoying.
I don't follow (as
usual). Bring it up next time I talk to you and I'll see if I
can reproduce whatever it is you are talking
