----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 2:23 PM
Subject: RE: AVTS-R6
have not witnessed this problem personally. I have heard a few reports
from Georgia on freezing screens but no one has mentioned that the button
could be seen to be depressed. The Georgia occurrences are one of the
items being investigated this week.
sending this to the Support List where it would have gotten a quicker response
as I have been out of the office. Perhaps some of the "Support"
subscribers can answer your question about further occurrences of this
problem. In the future, you may want to submit these questions directly
to the Support List. There are many experienced staff members that can
help you.
Ian S. Piper
Diebold Election Systems,
Ian, I recently
had the opportunity to perform acceptance testing for 181 AVTS units using
WinCE 3.0 and BS 4.3.8 for Los Angeles County. We had 10 defective units, 8
of those had the same problem, they would freeze during operation. It would
not matter if they were in Supervisor functions or in Test Count. I now have
several other machines that I have performed extensive tests on, that also
freeze at times. When you touch the screen, the button indents (is depressed
or selected) but nothing happens. Sometimes you can come back 30 or 40
seconds later and the button will react to a new touch and pop back out. It
will then at times operate normally, other times, we must turn the AVTS off
and then power back up. I shipped one of the machines that hung up at times
to Sophia Lee and she has duplicated this trouble. Has anyone else
experienced this problem? I do not think this is a software issue, rather a
hardware issue with the TouchScreen... I have gone back and
recalibrated the units but when I was doing a demonstration for some LA
County personnel, they observed the machine hanging up.
Project Manager

(714) 420-8674