Steve: Following yhour line there: Would it make
sense to treat the ADA units as an absentee vote center to be uploaded direct
later much as provisinal is done? Again, just a thought.
Does anyone know if a seperate
number could be programmed for the TS units and a port used with RAS on at the
same time another number with rollover is being used by the OS units? Can both
servers operate at the same time?
I like the direct upload later
if we can get by with it.
Donald W. Biszmaier Support Services Specialist Diebold Election
Systems, Inc. 7717 Greenwood Rd. Louisville, Ky. 40258 Office
502-244-8645 Cell 502-314-6936 Fax 502-254-7835
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 9:31
Subject: RE: AVOS/TS blended system
know this is generating alot of airtime, and deservedly so. If it gets
into major modem policy issues, then it may be worth asking and
these units are there on an ADA basis, and are used accordingly, will they
have very many votes on them? Since you'll get the unofficial count
during the normal results upload from the OS, with 100% precincts counted,
could the TS unit results be brought in with the other memory cards and
uploaded the next day as part of the official canvass? With 100
precincts, would you have even 150 votes? Or will most ADA folks
continue to vote absentee? I don't know.
just suggesting that perhaps there won't be that many votes on the units to
create another seperate upload procedure. I guess I'd like to see this
be a very simple thing for the pollworker to accomplish, or just upload the
few votes on the ADA machines as part of the official canvass. You'll
still have the 100% on the reports that night. Just a thought, probably
not that great a thought, but ....
With the new ADA requirements facing
our OS customers, they will likely be knocking on our door to purchase TS
units to compliment their existing OS systems with one TS unit in each
precinct - coexisting with the OS units in a blended system. While there are
some problems with programming such a system (namely needing to have another
Vote Center category created for the TS units), these are hurdles that can
be managed (I guess they can - does anyone have thoughts on this?). My
bigger concern is handling the uploading of both TS and OS results via modem
into the GEMS server.
What are the known issues relating to upload? I know that TS uses RAS while OS uses
regular serial com ports, thus the need for separate modem banks. Can GEMS
receive modem uploads from both OS and TS units at the same time? Has this
been tested in any kind of a medium to large scale test? Does anyone
have any experience with receiving both TS and OS modem
Mark Earley
850 422-2100 - office/fax
850 322-3226 – cell
